Publications (Top of Page)
- Burford, G., Pennell, J., & Edwards, M. (2011). Family team meetings as principled advocacy. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 5(2-3), 318-344.
- Pennell, J., Burford, G., Connolly, M., & Morris, K. (2011). Introduction: Taking child and family rights seriously: Family engagement and its evidence in child welfare. Special issue of Child Welfare, 90(4).
- Wichinsky, L., Thomlison, B., & Pennell, J. (2011). Exploring organization culture and climate in community coalitions. Community Development, 43, 1-14. doi:10.1080/15575330.2011.567418 (peer reviewed)
Presentations - National or International Forums
- O’Connor, K., Pennell, J., Starsoneck, L., & Zechman, E. (2011, October). Strong Fathers. Webinar presentation, FRIENDS National Resource Center for Community Based Child Abuse Prevention (Service of the U.S. Children’s Bureau). (invited)
- Rauktis, M. E., Pennell, J., & Reinhart, S. (2011, August). Family group decision making: Strengthening practice through measuring and monitoring fidelity. Panel presentation at 2nd National Child Welfare Evaluation Summit, U.S. Children’s Bureau, Washington, DC. (peer reviewed)
Publications (Top of Page)
- Pennell, J., & Crampton, D. S. (2011). Family services for child abuse and maltreatment. In M. P. Koss, J. W. White, & A. E. Kazdin (Eds.), Violence against women and children: Navigating solutions (Vol. 2, pp. 27-45). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. (invited & peer reviewed)
- Pennell, J., Edwards, M., & Burford, G. (2010). Expedited family group engagement and child permanency. Children and Youth Services Review, 32, 1012-1019. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2010.03.029 (peer reviewed)
- Pennell, J., & Koss, M. P. (2011). Feminist perspectives on family rights: Social work and restorative justice processes to stop women abuse. In E. Beck, N. P. Kropf, & P. B. Leonard (Eds.), Social work and restorative justice: Skills for dialogue, peacemaking, and reconciliation (pp. 195-219). New York: Oxford University Press. (invited & peer reviewed)
Pennell, J., Shapiro, C., & Spigner, W. (2011). Safety, fairness, stability: Repositioning juvenile justice and child welfare to engage families and communities. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Center for Juvenile Justice Reform. Retrieved from http://cjjr.georgetown.edu/pdfs/famengagement/FamilyEngagementPaper.pdf
- Poindexter, W. T., Reikowsky, R. C., Koss, M. P., & Pennell, J. (2010). Supporting family-led processes within a social work agency: Lessons learned. Protecting Children, 25(2), 19-26. (peer reviewed)
- Pennell, J. (with Ryder-Burge, A.). (2011, January). Wellness and student veterans at North Carolina State University: Survey results, spring 2010. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, Center for Family and Community Engagement.
- Pennell, J. (with Allen-Eckard, K., King, J., & Latz, M.). (2010). North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2009 – 2010. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, Center for Family & Community Engagement.
- Pennell, J. (with Allen-Eckard, K., King, J., & Latz, M.). (2010). North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2009 – 2010: Summary. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, Center for Family & Community Engagement.
Presentations - National or International Forums
- Griffith, P., Koss, M. P., & Pennell, J. (2011, June). Violence against women and restorative justice. Plenary panel at the Third National Conference on Restorative Justice, Raleigh, NC. (invited)
- Burford, G., & Pennell, J. (2011, March). Family engagement in context: Evaluation considerations. In symposium, chaired by J. Fluke, with co-panelists D. Baumann & K. Hodges. Child welfare and children’s mental health decision making, 24th Annual Children’s Mental Health Research and Policy Conference, Tampa, FL. (peer reviewed and invited)
- Ryder-Burge, A., Kearney, C., Pennell, J., Starsoneck, L., & Zechman, R. (2010, October). Strong Fathers evaluation: Collaborative research for a safe community. Panel presentation at the 11th Annual National Outreach Scholarship Conference, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. (peer reviewed)
- Sobrero, P. M., Pennell, J., Cowling, E., Malecha, M. J., & See, T. (2010, October). Scholarship of engagement issues within departments, units, and colleges. Panel presentation at the 11th Annual National Outreach Scholarship Conference, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. (peer reviewed)
Presentations - State, Provincial, or Local Forums
- Kearney, C., & Pennell, J. (2011, March). Hopes, concerns, and safety: FGCs and women abuse. Webinar for The Resource Center for Family-Focused Practice, The Center for Human Services, University of California Davis Extension.
- Pennell, J. (2011, February). Center for Family and Community Engagement: Engaged Scholarship. Presentation to Standing Committee of Extension, Engagement, and Economic Development, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. (invited)
- Pennell, J. (2010, December). Center for Family and Community Engagement: Engaged Scholarship. Presentation to Standing Committee of Extension, Engagement, and Economic Development, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. (invited)
Publications (Top of Page)
- Allen-Eckard, K., Latz, M., & Coppedge, A. (2010). What do families want? Family voices in the training room. Protecting Children, 25(1).
- North Carolina State University. (2010). Report of the Task Force on the Scholarship of Engagement. Raleigh: Office of Extension, Engagement, and Economic Development.
- Pennell, J., & Kim, M. (2010). Opening conversations across cultural, gender, and generational divides: Family and community engagement to stop violence against women and children. In J. Ptacek (Ed.), Restorative justice and violence against women (pp. 177-192). New York: Oxford University Press.
- Pennell, J. (with Ryder-Burge, A.). (2009). Strong Fathers Project Subcontract: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2008 – 2009. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, Center for Family and Community Engagement.
- Pennell, J. (with Coppedge, A., & King, J.). (2009). North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2008 – 2009. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, Center for Family & Community Engagement.
- Pennell, J. (with Coppedge, A., & King, J.). (2009). North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2008 – 2009: Summary. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, Center for Family & Community Engagement.
- Poindexter, B. (2009). If no one can, then perhaps everyone can, MRS! 5 (1).
Poindexter, B. (2009). Which hat goes where, when, and how? Facilitation Focus, Center for Family and Community Engagement.
Burford, G., Connolly, M., Morris, K., & Pennell, J. (2010/original 2009). Annotated bibliography on engaging the family group in child welfare decision making. Englewood, CO: American Humane Association. Available at: http://www.americanhumane.org/protecting-children/programs/family-group-decision-making/re_annotated_bibliography/ [Last updated June 15, 2010.]
- Pennell, J., & Kearney, C. (2010). Family meetings toolkit (sections on key elements, safety, strengths, and family private time). New York State, Center for Development of Human Services.
- North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project. (2009). Keeping it real. Raleigh: North Carolina State University.
Presentations and Workshops - National or International Forums
- Burford, G., Morris, K., & Pennell, J. (2010, June). International findings on family engagement in child welfare. Plenary panel at the annual conference of the American Humane on Family Group Decision Making, Burlington, VT. (invited)
- Latz, M., & Meadows, E. (2010, June). One family’s story: How North Carolina is partnering with families to promote better child and family team practices. Annual conference of the American Humane on Family Group Decision Making and Other Family Engagement Approaches, Burlington, VT.
- Pennell, J., & Rauktis, M. E. (2010, June). Measuring fidelity to key FGC practices from multiple perspectives. Discussion group at the annual conference of the American Humane on Family Group Decision Making, Burlington, VT.
- Pennell, J. (2010, June). Family group conferencing and domestic violence. Keynote presentation at the international conference of the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies, Toronto, Canada. (invited)
- Pennell, J., Sobrero, P., & Cowling, E. B. (2009, September). Scholarship of engagement and cultural challenges within an academic context. Panel presentation at the 10th Annual National Outreach Scholarship Conference, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. (peer reviewed)
Presentations and Workshops - State, Provincial, or Local Forums
- Allen-Eckard, K., Meadows, E., & Jones, L. (2010, April). Family parent trainers-moving beyond the pop up parent role. Workshop to 2010 North Carolina Foster and Adoptive Parent Conference, Charlotte, NC.
- Allen-Eckard, K., & Meadows, E. (2010, April). The synergy of family professional collaboration. Workshop for Public Health and Children with Special Needs Family Council, Raleigh, NC.
- Brazel, J., Eisemann, J., Pennell, J., & Severin, L. (2010, February). Balancing research and writing time with other responsibilities. Panel presentation to Assistant Professors’ Learning Community, Sponsored by Office of Faculty Development, Association of Women Faculty, African American Facuty-Staff Organization, Multicultural Faculty Group, and Office for Diversity and Inclusion. North Carolina State University, Raleigh. (invited)
- Meadows, E. (2010, May). Transitions and child and family teams. Presentation for the Chatham County Collaborative, Agency and Family Partners, Chapel Hill, NC
- Meadows, E. (2010, April). Breaking down the barriers/Building a family-driven system. Keynote Presentation for the Craven County Department of Social Services Conference, New Bern, NC.
- Meadows, E. (2010, March). Strength based child and family teams. Workshop for the Chatham County Collaborative, Agency and Family Partners Pittsboro, NC
- Pennell, J. (2010, May). Family meetings and women abuse. Web-ex presentation, University of Pittsburgh, School of Social Work. (invited)
- Pennell, J. (2010, May). Women abuse and FGDM. Web-ex presentation, University of Pittsburgh, School of Social Work. (invited)
- Pennell, J. (2010, April). Old problems, new solutions: Family violence and restorative responses. Plenary presentation at the Victims Week Workshop, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL. (invited)
- Pennell, J. (2010, April). Sexual assault. Panel presentation at the Crime Victims Week and Child Abuse Prevention Events, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL. (invited)
- Pennell, J. (2010, April). Funding the scholarship of engagement. Presentation at the Meet the Researcher series and Engagement Brown-Bag Luncheons, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. (invited)
- Sobrero, P., Pennell, J., & Cowles, E. (2010, February). Scholarship of engagement and cultural challenges within an academic context. Presentation to NCACES All Specialists Meeting, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. (invited)
Publications (Top of Page)
- Burford, G., Connolly, M., Morris, K., & Pennell, J. (2009). Annotated bibliography on engaging the family group in child welfare decision making. Englewood, CO: American Humane Association. Available at: http://www.americanhumane.org/protecting-children/programs/family-group-decision-making/re_annotated_bibliography/ [Last updated February 3, 2009.]
- Crampton, D. S., & Pennell, J. (2009). Family-involvement meetings with older children in foster care: Intuitive appeal, promising practices and the challenge of child welfare reform. In B. Kerman, M. Freundlich, & A. N. Maluccio (Eds.), Achieving permanence for older children and youth in foster care (pp. 266-290). New York: Columbia University Press.
- Pennell, J. (with Coppedge, A., & King, J.). (2009). North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2008 – 2009. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, Center for Family & Community Engagement.
- Pennell, J. (2008). Family group conferencing. In C. M. Renzetti & J. L. Edleson (Eds.), The encyclopedia of interpersonal violence (Vol. I, pp. 238-239). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (invited)
- Pennell, J. (2008, July). Benefits of child and family team meetings: What the research says. MRS Newsletter: Information in Support of North Carolina's Multiple Response System, 1(3), 4-5.
- Pennell, J. (2009). Widening the circle: Countering institutional racism in child welfare. In S. Strega & S. A. Esquao. [J. Carrière] (Eds.), Walking this path together: Anti-racist and anti-oppressive child welfare practice (pp. 78-95). Halifax, Nova Scotia, & Winnipeg, Manitoba: Fernwood. (invited and reviewed)
- Pennell, J. (with Allen-Eckard, K., Gasman, S., Kirk, R., Latz, M., Poindexter, B., & Wakefield, A.). (2008). School-based child and family teams project: Summary report to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, fiscal years 2006-2007 and 2007- 2008. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, Center for Family & Community Engagement. Available at /dpi/documents/06-08DPIAR_2YrSummaryReport_8-28-08jp.pdf
- Pennell, J. (with Allen-Eckard, K., Gasman, S., Kirk, R., Latz, M., Poindexter, B., & Wakefield, A.). (2008). School-based child and family teams project: Annual report to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, fiscal year 2007 – 2008, Vols. 1-3. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, Center for Family & Community Engagement.
- Pennell, J. (with Coppedge, A., & King, J.). (2008). North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2007 – 2008. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, Center for Family & Community Engagement.
- Pennell, J. (with Coppedge, A., & King, J.). (2008). North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2007 – 2008: Summary and projections. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, Center for Family & Community Engagement. Available at /dss/documents/07-08DSSAR_SumProj_9-12-08jp.pdf
- Pennell, J., & Burford, G. (2009). Introduction: Principled diffusion of family group conferencing in Canadian child welfare. In J. Schmidt & M. Sieben (Eds.), Family group conferencing policy and practice in Canada: Our evolving experience [Special issue]. Protecting Children, 23(4), 3-8. (invited)
- Taliaferro, J.D., DeCuir-Gunby, J., Allen-Eckard, K. (2009). 'I can see parents being reluctant': perceptions of parental involvement using child and family teams in schools. Child & Family Social Work, 14, 278-288. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2206.2008.00594.x
- To request a copy of the above article, please email Lisa Pierson.
- Allen-Eckard, K. (2009, April). Family Group Decision Making: Supporting Family Leadership. Workshop to People Places, Charlottesville. VA.
- Allen-Eckard, K., Latz, M., & Soto, M. (2008, August). Working with Hispanic/Latino families in child and family teams. Workshop to 2008 Multiple Response Systems Institute, Greensboro, NC.
- Gasman, S. & Henderson, S. (2008, October) How to Get Children and Youth onboard for Child and Family Teams. 87th Annual Social Services Institute: Decisions 2008. Raleigh, NC.
- Gasman, S. & Poindexter, W. (2009, May) Foster Care to Adoption: Defining and Engaging Family in Child and Family Team Meetings. 11th Annual North Carolina Foster and Adoptive Parent Association's Conference: Awakening the Aloha Spirit...Changing Tides, Changing Lives. Charlotte, NC
- Latz, M., & Soto, M. (2009, February). Latino families and the child and family team process. Workshop to Eastern Carolina University, NC Child Welfare Education Collaborative, Greenville, NC.
- Pennell, J. (2008, September). Widening the circle to stop family violence. Seminar to Hampshire Family Group Conference Program, Hampshire Children's Services, Winchester, United Kingdom. (invited)
- Pennell, J. (2008, October). An international and inclusive review of family group decision making. Presentation to 208 Outreach Scholarship Conference, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA.
- Pennell, J. (2008, November). Family group conferencing. Presentation to Masters WIMBA Class, Collaborative Consultation & Larger Systems, University of Massachusetts Boston, Graduate College of Education, Department of Counseling and School Psychology. (invited)
- Pennell, J., Sherry, M., Longtin, S., & Taylor, E. (2009, April). Family group decision making and domestic violence. Workshop to Children's Aid Society and George Hull Center, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (invited)
- Pennell, J., & Inglis, S. (2008, September). Family group conference & domestic violence. Oxfordshire Family Group Conference Program, Oxfordshire Children's Services, Oxford, United Kingdom. (invited)
Publications (Top of Page)
- Pennell, J. (2007). Safeguarding all family members—FGC and family violence. Social Work Now: The Practice Journal of Child, Youth and Family, 37, pp. 4-8. Available at http://www.cyf.govt.nz/documents/swn37.pdf (Reprinted by American Humane Association, Family Group Decision Making, http://www.americanhumane.org/assets/docs/PC-fgdm-pennell.pdf, and by Victim Offender Mediation Association, Justice Connections.) (Protéger tous les membres de la famille — concertation familiale et violence familiale, French translation by Department of Social Development/Ministère du Développement social Child Welfare and Youth Services/Services de bien-être a l'enfance et à la jeunesse, Fredericton, New Brunswick)
- Poindexter, B. (January 2008). Catawba County CFT referral form. Practice Notes, 14.
- Poindexter, B. (December 2007). Catawba County Evaluation Statistics 2006. Practice Notes, 13. Available at:http://ssw.unc.edu/fcrp/cspn/v13n1/research.htm.
- Poindexter, B. (December 2007). Finding the Pieces for a Good CFT. Training Matters, NC DSS Family Support and Child WelfareStatewide Training Partnership, 9. Available at: http://www.trainingmatters-nc.org/tm_v9n1/tmv9n1-final.pdf
- Poindexter, B. (2007). Catawba County's use of CFTs with the Hmong population. Promising Practices, by BRYCS, U.S.Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- Poindexter, B. (August 2007). Ok, now what? Training Matters, NC DSS Family Support and Child Welfare Statewide TrainingPartnership, 8.
- Poindexter, B. (July 2007). Ok, now what? Reflections on Child and Family Team Meetings. MRS!, 2. Available at: http://www.dhhs.state.nc.us/dss/mrs/docs/MRS_v2n4.pdf.
- Allen-Eckard, K., & Jones, L. (2008, June). Amplifying family voices in schools and other child-serving systems. Workshop presented at the annual conference of the American Humane on Family Group Decision Making, Tucson, AZ.
- Allen-Eckard, K., & King, J. (2008, March). Schools and community supports: Using CFTs as a model for partnership. Workshoppresented at the NC National Guard Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
- Allen-Eckard, K., & Wakefield, A. (2007, December). Strengthening family connections: The North Carolina Family-CenteredMeetings Project. Workshop presented at the 2007 North Carolina Summit on Youth and Families, Durham, NC.
- Armstrong, T., & Poindexter, B. (2007, October). Building powerful peons. Presentation to Social Services Institute, Hickory, NC.
- Dovbrovlyn, K., Poindexter, B., & Spehar, C. (2007, September/October). Openings and closings. Presentation at NSDTAConference, Dallas, TX.
- Gasman, S. (2008, May). Fishing for results in a sea of possibilities: Catching the spirit of Hope. Presentation at the ChildrenFamily Services Association Spring Conference, New Bern, NC.
- Gasman, S., & Henderson, S. (2008, May). How to get youth and children onboard for child and family teams. Presentation at the Children and Family Services Association Spring Conference, New Bern, NC.
- Inglis, S., & Pennell, J. (2008, March). Domestic violence and FGDM. Workshop presented in Family Group Decision Making Teleconference Series, American Humane Association, Englewood, CO.
- King, J., & Poindexter, B. (2008, January). CFT processes and combining meetings. McDowell County DSS, Marion, NC.
- King, J., & Poindexter, B. (2007, August). CFT/Success meetings. Presentation at Work First Institute. Greensboro, NC.
- Pennell, J., & Burford, G. (2008, June). The evidence for FGDM: An international review of research and evaluation. Discussion group at the annual conference of the American Humane on Family Group Decision Making, Tucson, AR.
- Pennell, J., Moore, S., Duncan, D., Weigensberg, B., & Latz, M. (2008, April). Family team meetings and Work First. Workshop presented at the annual Work First conference of North Carolina Department of Social Services, Greensboro, NC.
- Poindexter, B., & Turk, K. (2008, May). Better fishing through better thinking. Presentation to the CFSA Conference, New Bern, NC.
Publications (Top of Page)
- Edwards, M., Tinworth, K., Burford, G., & Pennell, J. (2007, March). Family team meeting (FTM) process, outcome, and impact evaluation: Phase II report. Englewood, CO: American Humane Association.
- Edwards, M., Tinworth, K., Burford, G., Fluke, J., & Pennell, J. (2005). Family team meeting (FTM) process, outcome, and impact evaluation. Englewood, CO: American Humane Association.
- North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project. (2006). Getting everyone to the table: Training points on child and family teams [DVD]. Raleigh: North Carolina State University.
- Pennell, J. (2006). Culture, safety, and family violence: Restorative justice as peacemaking. In W. Tie, S. Jülich, & V. Walters (Eds.), New frontiers in restorative justice: A reviewed selection of conference papers (pp. 81-93). Auckland, New Zealand: Massey University, Center for Justice and Peace Development, School of Social and Cultural Studies.
- Pennell, J. (with Allen-Eckard, K., & Jarvis, S.). (2007). North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, fiscal year 2006 – 2007. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, Department of Social Work, North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project.
- Pennell, J. (with King, J., & Spehar, C.). (2007). North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2006 – 2007. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, Department of Social Work, North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project.
- Pennell, J. (with King, J., & Spehar, C.). (2007). North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2006 – 2007: Summary and projections. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, Department of Social Work, North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project.
- Poindexter, B., (2007, April). From the field: Practical advice for facilitators. Training Matters, 8(2). NC DSS Family Support and Child Welfare Statewide Training Partnership. Available at: http://www.trainingmatters-nc.org/tm_v8n2/TMv8n2.pdf
- Poindexter, B., (2007, May). It Takes an Engine. MRS!, 2. NC Division of Social Services and the Jordan Institute for Families, UNC Chapel Hill. Available at: http://www.dhhs.state.nc.us/dss/mrs/docs/MRS_v2n3-final.pdf
- Armstrong, T., & Poindexter, B., (2007, May) Building Powerful Peons. Presentation to the Training Network Team.
- King, J, Morgan, M., & Privette, A. (2006, August). Success and Child and Family Teams, What is Success? Workshop presented at the 2006 MRS Institute, New Bern, NC.
- Merkel-Holguin, L., Pennell, J., & Buford, G. (2006, November). Appreciation for New Zealand's progressive social change: A perspective from the United States. Presentation at 2006 international conference on the family group conference Coming Home – Te Hokinga Mai, Wellington, New Zealand.
- Pennell, J. (2006, September). A response to David Crampton's "family involvement meetings with older children in foster care: Intuitive appeal, promising practices and the challenge of child welfare reform." National Youth Permanency Convening Roundtable, Casey Family Services, Washington, DC.
- Pennell, J. (2007, January). Good practices to fit the context of family meetings. Workshop at the California Family to Family Statewide Convening: Strengthening Our Response to Domestic Violence, The Center for Human Services, UC Davis Extension, University of California, Sacramento, CA.
- Pennell, J. (2007, January). Keeping everyone safe: Family meetings and family violence. Workshop at the California Family to Family Statewide Convening: Strengthening Our Response to Domestic Violence, The Center for Human Services, UC Davis Extension, University of California, Sacramento, CA.
- Pennell, J. (2007, March). Embedding evaluation in training and practice. Presentation at Child and Family Research Seminar Series, Center for Child and Family Policy, Duke University, Durham, NC.
- Pennell, J. (2007, May). Family meetings and creative interventions. Presentation to Creative Interventions, Oakland, CA.
- Pennell, J., Allen-Eckard, K., & McHenry, D. (2007, June). FGDM as prevention in schools. Workshop presented at the annual conference of the American Humane on Family Group Decision Making, Washington, DC.
- Pennell, J., & Burford, G. (2006, November). Reclaiming home: Widening the Contributions of FGC across Generation and Gender. Presentation at 2006 international conference on the family group conference Coming Home – Te Hokinga Mai, Wellington, New Zealand.
- Pennell, J., & Cooper, C. (2007, March). Family-centered meetings and permanency for children and youth. Workshop for Child Welfare Education and Support Seminar, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.
- Pennell, J., Henderson, S., & Gasman, S. (2007, June). Widening the Circle for Safe Meetings to Address Family Violence: Theory-Guided Practice, Training and Evaluation. Workshop presented at the annual conference of the American Humane on Family Group Decision Making, Washington, DC.
- Pennell, J., Rogers, A., Ryan, C., & Title, B. (2007, March). Family violence. Workshop at the Community Justice Institute, Florida Atlantic University, Sustaining Restorative Justice: The Challenge of Systemic and Community Transformation in Juvenile Justice, Boca Raton, FL.
- Poindexter, B., (2007, May). Picture Your Point. Presentation to the Training Network Team.
- Poindexter, B., Pennell, J., & McNeill, H. (2007, May). The value of child and family teams. Presentation to Meeting of Western Regional Directors of County Departments of Social Services.
- Umbreit, M., Morrison, B., Stuart, B., Pranis, K. Roger, A., Pennell, J., Baldwin, M.. (2007, March). How strong is it?: The robustness of restorative justice. In H. Zehr (Moderator), Panel presentation at the Community Justice Institute, Florida Atlantic University, Sustaining Restorative Justice: The Challenge of Systemic and Community Transformation in Juvenile Justice, Boca Raton, FL.